
Summary: Firefox in Context

June 25th, 2009

The role of Firefox:

Firefox enables the web and web applications to be ever more robust and exciting. The web enables Firefox to be more flexible, more agile and more responsive. Firefox builds an experience where the center of the entire system remains a person. Not a website, not a business, not a piece of software. The most important actor in the entire picture is a human being; an individual. You. Me. Each person living part of his or her life online.

That’s the last paragraph of my last post. A bunch of people said I should have put made it the first paragraph, so here it is.

4 comments for “Summary: Firefox in Context”

  1. 1

    dl said on June 25th, 2009 at 7:11 pm:

    My question from that is so are you building the cart instead of the coaster? or perhaps the briefcase/suitcase you are carrying with? Just thoughts as I am sitting watching my team build things to put on, in behind that …”tool”?

  2. 2

    John Slater said on June 27th, 2009 at 2:49 pm:

    This is great stuff!

  3. 3

    Suse Rice said on July 6th, 2009 at 7:43 pm:

    I am somewhat past middle age, a female senior exec in a traditionally pale male dominated environment. I thought I was also past seeing a statement of business operational concept that would inspire me. I am moved to say to you that your statement of understanding of the role you play as an organization is so clear as to be elegant; inspirational to those of us whose self description/recognition includes “jaded”; and the epitome of what a business should and must seek to achieve today; enhancement of and for an individual who will by your design never understand the effort undertaken to become unseen. Thank you for that little shot of “tingle” that I have not felt since the ’70’s when we were out to change the world! Seems you have. From one individual who experiences the “web” more clearly and more easily because of your clarity of task, may I say . . . Well done. And thank you.

  4. 4

    Randy Kuhn said on July 16th, 2009 at 3:31 pm:

    2 weeks ago your 3.0 slowed and slowed and slowed.
    Then I see how about download 3.5 it should be better.
    No Way!! It is even slower that 3.0 and I am going back to I.E.

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