Today Mozilla releases Firefox 3 — fast, smart, safe, fun. Full of new things. Firefox 3 once again demonstrates how a great product makes Internet life better.
Firefox 3 is also the tip of a much bigger iceberg. For one thing, Firefox is the tip of the web itself. Firefox is exciting because the Web is exciting, and because Firefox does such a nice job of making the richness of the Web available to people in elegant, useful ways.
Firefox is the visible tip of an enormous amount of powerful, open-source technology. That technology makes Firefox possible, and it
also makes a range of other products possible. Some of these other products are released by Mozilla, some by other organizations.
Firefox is the tip of an enormous, wildly active community of people who are building a better Internet.
Firefox is the tip of an innovative development process that uses open source techniques in a range of activities extending far beyond code.
Firefox is all of these things. And it’s one unbelievably good browser.
Congratulations and thank-you to everyone who is participating in building Firefox and the Mozilla community.
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