We started a conversation a while back about two year product and technology goals. I’d like to return to that discussion. It’s clear that a blog post and comments is a hard way to discuss a complex and nuance topics like this. Here are some techniques we’ll try to get broad input.
Multiple discussions, multiple constituencies.
Mozilla has many groups of people who work together on particular aspects of Mozilla products, technology, adoption and mission. These groups are a natural setting for discussing the overall goals of the Mozilla project, and what motivates people to contribute. With that in mind, we’re planning a set of discussions to give more people a chance to participate comfortably. Some of these will be face-to-face meetings; others will be online discussions.
Listed below are the people I know of so far who will be organizing discussions on 2010 goals among particular parts of the Mozilla community.
- Tristan Nitot — European community at MozCamp in Barcalona in late October
- Guillermo Movia — spanish-speaking Latin American communities
- Marcio Galli — Brazilian community
- Takita-san (Chibi) — Japanese community at Mozilla Developer Day in Tokyo on November 16
- Seth Bindernagel — localization communities
- Jay Patel — campus reps
- David Tenser — SUMO community (probably as part of Support Firefox Day activities).
If you know of additional constituencies where such discussions would be valuable please let me know, and consider volunteering to work with me to make such discussions happen 🙂 And if you want to participate in one of the groups above but don’t know how to reach the identified person, let me know.
General discussions
I previously noted that I would organize specific times for general face-to-face / Air Mozilla / irc discussions for the various topics in the goals. I’m working on a schedule for that now. I expect that people who know me or are accustomed to dialing into Mozilla meetings — Monday meetings, Gecko meetings, Firefox and Thunderbird meetings — are the most likely to participate in these meetings. All are welcome. I recognize that it can be intimidating to participate in these as a contributor who doesn’t know many people personally. If that’s the case, please feel free to listen, and of course to join any of the group discussions above (or propose your own).
Iang said on October 19th, 2008 at 6:12 pm:
Pingback from Mitchell’s Blog » Blog Archive » 2010 Goals: Data Discussion
Comimpott said on October 31st, 2008 at 11:18 am:
Pingback from Mitchell’s Blog » Blog Archive » 2010 Goals discussion — Latin America