
Revised mobile goal for 2010

December 12th, 2008

As part of finalizing the 2010 goals I’ve been working through the feedback to each specific goal. I’ll post the results for each goal separately and then assemble them into a complete document.

Here’s the mobile piece. Everything is framed as a goal, rather than a big goal with specific tasks Mozilla ought to accomplish. I think this is the right approach, though I’ve gone back and forth. Many groups within the Mozilla community will identify specific tasks to accomplish these goals.

Goal: Integrate mobile into one unified, open, innovative web

1. Product(s)

  • are as exciting to users and developers as products built on closed proprietary technologies
  • accelerate innovation by reducing the fragmented operating system/ carrier / handset problems that developers face today
  • have mindshare and marketshare to influence the industry

2.  The web becomes the primary “SDK” for applications, rather than product specific proprietary SDKs.

3.  New web standards are for all devices, not segregated into mobile-specific or “web” standards.

3 comments for “Revised mobile goal for 2010”

  1. 1

    dria said on December 12th, 2008 at 1:13 pm:

    This looks great. I think this is framed really well, with a good balance between the abstract and concrete without getting overly detailed or specific. The goal presented is challenging but feasible, and inspirational at the same time.

  2. 2

    Mark Surman said on December 13th, 2008 at 5:02 am:

    This is a great reframing. It’s understandable at the top level, and the tasks and examples are clear.

    I wonder if it’s worth adding a fourth bullet to the examples that goes something like:

    “Educating people about what one unified web looks like, and helping them make good mobile platform choices, no matter whose products they use.”

    Not sure. Maybe this happens just through the product and the natural conversation in the marketplace. Maybe it happens through more explicit consumer education. Or maybe it’s both.

  3. 3

    Zak Greant said on December 14th, 2008 at 12:23 pm:

    Nice work.

    I agree with Mark’s suggestion for a fourth bullet.

    Also, we should frame these goals in a way that is more understandable to people who haven’t been following the process. (Perhaps this will just be part of integrating the goals together?)

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