In the last post I listed potential principles and noted I’d try to say a bit more about each. Here’s the first principle.
Principle: Microsoft must not undermine consumer selection of non-Microsoft browsers.
Rationale: Once a person has chosen Firefox or Opera or another browser this choice should be respected. Neither Windows nor IE should use the presence of IE to encourage or promote a return to IE, or to automatically open a different web browser than that which the user has selected. Otherwise, the monopoly presence of Windows on 90+% of the world’s personal computers means that people are forced to choose alternative products over and over again.
Some Specifics:
- Use of IE for operating system purposes cannot bleed into web browsing
- IE must close after OS purposes complete
- IE may not ask to become the default browser or make itself the default browser except in specified legitimate circumstances, like perhaps when a person downloads IE separately from Windows or from a Windows update
It will be useful to identify the ways in which Microsoft products — including Office, as suggesting in a previous comment — lead people to IE, or open IE as the browser even when another browser has been selected as the default. Feel free to add them here or let me know through other channels.
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