
Microsoft – EC Formal Proposal

October 7th, 2009

Today the European Commission announced a formal settlement proposal in the Microsoft tying investigation. The ultimate effectiveness of this remedy depends in part on the implementation specifics and can only be determined over time. Once the EC and Microsoft have agreed to a final settlement, Mozilla hopes to work closely with Microsoft and the EC to implement the settlement in a way that creates the best user experience possible in the ballot setting.

Mozilla will continue our work to help internet users across Europe understand the choices available to them and why it is important to make an informed decision about the software one uses to access the web.

3 comments for “Microsoft – EC Formal Proposal”

  1. 1

    Pingback from » Navigateurs : Microsoft tente d’apaiser la Commission européenne

    […] Explorer en Europe, la fondation Mozilla, qui représente, avec Firefox, 24 % du marché mondial, juge que “la valeur de ces mesures ne pourront être déterminées que dans le temps”. Opera […]

  2. 2

    Pingback from Mozilla on Microsoft Browser Ballot Test: Meh | DUOWAN

    […] “The ultimate effectiveness of this remedy depends in part on the implementation specifics and can only be determined over time,” Mitchell Baker, chair of the Mozilla Foundation, wrote in a blog post. […]

  3. 3

    Pingback from Navigateurs : Microsoft tente d’apaiser la Commission européenne | KEYBIO

    […] Explorer en Europe, la fondation Mozilla, qui représente, avec Firefox, 24 % du marché mondial, juge que « la valeur de ces mesures ne pourront être déterminées que dans le […]

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