
Archive for February 7th, 2012


February 7th, 2012

I’ve been sort of invisible online for a few weeks. Sunday night we finally got moved out of our old, beat-up house. By “beat-up” I mean foundation damage, and water and silt flowing into the downstairs rooms, making them uninhabitable. It’s a wreck, but it’s big. So we had a decade of stuff crammed into a zillion storage spaces. I though getting ourselves moved into the temporary living spot during remodeling was the big job, but then my husband started pulling stuff out from the truly hidden storage spots, and that took another week of evenings and weekends to finish up.

Now we’re living in a space about 1/3 the size, with tons of stuff in storage (do we even want it back)? and am back to the normal focus on Mozilla, online life, etc. Funny have the luxury of a stable life well above subsistence level leads to the accumulation of so much stuff that seems meaningful at first but then becomes a burden.

More shortly.

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