
Archive for February, 2012

ACTA is a Bad Way to Develop Internet Policy

February 10th, 2012

ACTA (“Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement”) is a proposed new international law establishing international enforcement standards against counterfeit goods and pirated intellectual property items. ACTA was negotiated as a “trade agreement” which means that it was negotiated in private without open involvement of all the stakeholders. There has been no formal opportunity for input from people other than those who were lucky enough to be invited into the private discussions.

This is a bad way to build Internet policy. The Internet is a fundamental platform for communication and interaction. There are many stakeholders. The voices of human empowerment, human rights, and competing economic interests must be heard. These voices must have a place at the table when policy is debated. ACTA was not created through such a process.

Here are some examples of of how closed the ACTA negotiation process has been:

ACTA is extremely controversial. That controversy has become focused in the last couple of weeks as net-savvy citizens across Europe have made their deep concerns known.

One aspect of the controversy about ACTA is the closed process where only a tiny subset of people affected by the law were allowed to participate. Another great controversy is about the actual content of ACTA. We know that the goal of stopping unauthorized access to digital content can lead to very dangerous results. The proposed SOPA and PIPA legislation in the U.S made this abundantly clear. This is an area where even good intentions can lead to imbalanced and dangerous results.

European citizens are now evaluating how ACTA language affects life in their jurisdictions. Deep concerns are developing. These are exacerbated by the fact that the discussions over the content of ACTA are procedurally closed, and the involvement permitted to citizens is a “yes” or “no” response from their representatives. The European Parliament is scheduled to vote on whether or not to ratify ACTA sometime later this year, perhaps as early as June.

Building a healthy Internet takes all of us. It cannot be left to private, invitation-only process that excludes most of us. SomeĀ  links for more information are below, and there is a great deal more information available. Please consider learning more and making your voice heard.


February 7th, 2012

I’ve been sort of invisible online for a few weeks. Sunday night we finally got moved out of our old, beat-up house. By “beat-up” I mean foundation damage, and water and silt flowing into the downstairs rooms, making them uninhabitable. It’s a wreck, but it’s big. So we had a decade of stuff crammed into a zillion storage spaces. I though getting ourselves moved into the temporary living spot during remodeling was the big job, but then my husband started pulling stuff out from the truly hidden storage spots, and that took another week of evenings and weekends to finish up.

Now we’re living in a space about 1/3 the size, with tons of stuff in storage (do we even want it back)? and am back to the normal focus on Mozilla, online life, etc. Funny have the luxury of a stable life well above subsistence level leads to the accumulation of so much stuff that seems meaningful at first but then becomes a burden.

More shortly.

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