Last week I participated in an online question and answer / discussion session called Air Mozilla. I thought someone might ask me a question like “Yes, but what do you actually do all day?” So I made some notes. If it’s useful I’ll try to do this periodically. Here are some of the things I spent time working on last week. There was also a bunch of product, organizational and other issues that are constant. I haven’t listed them, only listed the things that jumped out at me as particular areas of focus last week.
- Mozilla Foundation Executive Director search. Spent time with the recruiter, potential search committee members and some resumes we’ve seen.
- Mozilla Corporation General Counsel search. Interviewing, evaluating.
- Speak at first Air Mozilla video broadcast.
- Speak at Fortune magazine’s imeme conference.
- Mozilla Foundation board topics in general.
- Thunderbird. We know Thunderbird is overwhelmed by Firefox and web related work now. I’m convinced that’s the right priority. So, how to help Thunderbird? How to improve mail in general?
- Caught up with Brendan on state of work in the standards bodies.
- Community Empowerment / Giving review of recent proposals.
- Finalized upcoming talk at OSCON (with much help).
- Assist another open project on achieving sustainability as an independent project.
- General management, product, organizational and recruiting topics (this covers a lot but is also true every week).
- Stopped pretending my shoulder will get better without attention and started some minor physical therapy.