
Finalizing the 2010 goals

December 11th, 2008

I’m going to consolidate the feedback received to date on the 2010 goals and create a new version in the next couple of days. I will do a brown bag Tuesday, December 16 at 12:30 Pacific Time (8:30 p.m. GMT) for final feedback. We’ll stream the discussion on Air Mozilla and moderated chat is available on #brownbag. We’ve had a lot of discussion so there may not be a lot of interest in this session. That’s fine. Also great if there is. The next version is likely to be very close to final, if not the final version itself. So if you have any thoughts you haven’t expressed, please do so asap.

One comment for “Finalizing the 2010 goals”

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    Zak Greant said on December 12th, 2008 at 6:36 am:

    Tristan had a smart observation about the goals – for people not deeply involved in the project, the goals are more digestible when they go from the concrete (increasing FFox mindshare and marketshare) to the abstract (developing as centerpiece of the net).

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